Nov 09, 2019 In This Place | Chad Moore "Love is the place where grace and truth collide." - Chad Moore Watch or listen online to the second message in the current series, In This Place. . We believe that everybody matters to God. No matter who you are, what you’ve done, what's been done to you - God loves you just as you are. God has demonstrated this love by meeting us right where we are through the person of Jesus and by giving His life on the cross to pay the debt of sin that we couldn’t pay ourselves. When we couldn’t work our way to God, God worked his way to us through the person of Jesus. In light of the incredible gift, we exist to help people meet, know and follow Jesus. . We are one church that meets at multiple locations. We have campuses in Casa Grade, East Mesa, Gilbert, Queen Creek, Tempe and online. . Visit us online to learn more. Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: