A Better Way Sep 07, 2024 - Every day, from news headlines to social media posts, and even the person who just cut you off in traffic, there are countless chances to get offended. But what if we chose to respond differently? This series is all about how we can follow Jesus' example and learn to be Unoffendable. In This Series UnoffendableSep 14, 2024 | Chad Moore In a world where everyone wants to be right, Jesus calls us to be something greater—loving. Jesus, the most perfect human to ever live, showed us that righteousness isn't about judgment, but about serving others. This week, Lead Pastor Chad Moore teaches us how to follow Jesus' example by choosing to let go of offenses and take on the posture of a servant. Get Over ItSep 07, 2024 | Chad Moore Does it ever feel like you're constantly offended by the world around you? While we can't control every situation, we can choose how we respond. This weekend, Lead Pastor Chad Moore begins our new series, sharing biblical wisdom on how we can live free from the weight of offense.