We believe in the
power of prayer.

Need Prayer?

James 5:16 says, "Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working."

If you need prayer, you can submit it privately to our prayer team and choose whether you'd also like to add it publicly to our prayer wall for our church community to pray over. If you want to lift up others in prayer, you can pray over them directly via this page or by spending time in a Prayer Session.


Having extreme sciatica pain, relief is needed, it is exhausting living with the pain


Please pray for Shannon’s Mom who has perforated intestine.


Please pray that I can find a new job! My company is downsizing so I was demoted today and the pay cut is extremely so now I’m stressing over that!! Pay for guidance because right now I feel so lost!!


Please pray for , Dora, and her family. Dora has lost 10 family members since last October. Today, Dora was informed to make funeral arrangements for her sister,Jeannie. Dora is taking care of Jeannie at her home.Pray for strength, peace, Thank you


My neighbor, Susan, is being taken to emergency room. She passed out and was trying to bleed out from effects of chemo. Her parents are 80 and can’t take care of her now. She was told she has 15 mos after she fought so hard brain surgery and chemo.


Please pray for me for colonoscopy and endoscopy on Nov. 8 preceding a heart angiogram asap to insert stents in my heart for 3 major blockages in main arteries. Please pray for my disabled husband in all of this for peace & strength. Isa. 41:9,10


I need prayers that I will find employment soon to help sustain my family.


Please pray for my husband John who was diagnosed with cancer in May but chemo and treatments have been going well. Request for healing and for his treatments to continue to go well and his strength.


Please pray that the Christian faith film entitled, Answering the Great Question, that Petri Dish Foundation is releasing on its YouTube channel on 8-30-24, produces a big assist to those who are deeply committed to Kingdom Building efforts.


My Mom and My Bonus Dad (Step dad) are going through a legal separation, I just wanna ask for some prayers for their marriage!


Several members asked for prayers for revival on our nation, for God's will in the election, Godly wisdom & protection for our leaders.


Roxie asks for prayers for her daughter Ellie as she goes into the Air Force. pray God's protection over her & make this a good experience for her. Pray for Roxie who is missing her already.


BJ asks for prayers for God to lift the depression & loneliness from him. He is receiving treatment for clinical depression & asks that God make it effective & helpful.


Sergey asks for prayers that God would draw her family closer to Himself & to attending church.


Please pray for Sergey, mom of Abraham, who has entered the Army and almost quit. His sergeant talked to him & asked him to stay. pray for no confusion for Abraham, and protection for him and his mom's heart.


Pray for finances. I’m broke and need to replace my two front tires so that I can drive for Lyft.


Prayers needed for the 18 year old son of a family friend. His name is Trevor Harrimon. He was in a bad accident and has been in the neuro ICU for a few days now.


Please pray for my mom, she is very ill and wants to be able to make it to my son's wedding in September. Please pray that God heals her and gives her and my dad good pain free health for the wedding and that my mom can dance with my son.


Please pray for a miracle for my sister , Kelsey. She is in hospital with liver failure, kidneys aren’t well and her body is just not functioning strong enough. Please pray for a turn around, please pray for one more chance at life.


Please pray for Hipolito Hernandez who has prostrate cancer. Thank you and God Bless you!


Please pray for my emotional health. I’ve been dealing with a lot and I’m emotionally exhausted and struggling. Thank you.


Please pray for my father. He has been diagnosed with Kidney cancer, and the cancer may have metastasized into his lungs. He lives in Europe and we are currently there taking care of him.


Please pray for my friend, Cookie, that her spinal surgery July 25 be a success. May her healing be swift and complete.


Please pray for Arlen’s colon surgery on July 24 that the surgery will go well and that he have a quick recovery. Bless all you prayer warriors out there.


Lord hear my prayers I pray that you continue to keep me safe keep my family safe. May you help us get through this storm that we are in. I pray my kids have a safe school year, I pray for strength and love in my marriage.


Praying for strength during this storm, that I can focus on God and surrender all my anxieties and worries to him. That I am granted the opportunity to start working again and serve other people.

Sara Rose

Prayers for my Pops who is fighting colon cancer since November 2023 diagnosis. He just learned that he is also fighting lymphoma large B-cell and will start another type of chemotherapy, R-Chop. It is an aggressive treatment for an aggressive cancer


Prayers needed to heal anxiety, for guidance and confidence in leadership role, to surrender what I don't have control of and to trust God will provide what I need.


please pray for me. I have had alot of anxiety and depression these last few months, and i am working very hard to reconnect with God. 🩷


Praying for the strength to keep going and keep my eyes on Jesus in this storm and break strongholds.


I quit my stable with good pay job to work somewhere else with less pay and no stability. I asked God for that because the first job was draining me and the new job allows me to focus on the dreams god put on my heart. I’m scared for my finances


I need some wisdom and discernment. I have before me an opportunity that I think is overall a positive for my family but it comes with some short term heavy financial burden. I ask for prayer in knowing if this opportunity is God provided.


Tomorrow morning I (we) check into the hospital to give birth. Requesting prayers for a safe delivery and good health for all of us. May the lord continue to comfort and bless us all. Thank you.


I don’t even know what to ask for prayer for specifically, but I just know that I really need it. I feel defeated, I feel sad, I lack confidence in myself and my abilities as a leader. The pressures in life feel very intense.


Hi it’s me again another thing I’d like to add pls is that in next couple months we find our new home with my 8 month old daughter and that my women’s exam coming up on tues turns out just fine &that I’m healthy.


Pls pray for our car that they figure out what’s totally wrong this will be 3rd time it’ll be in the shop& after spending already thousands on it we just can’t keep having to pay more money for it eventhough we got no choice, our family share 1


Please help me pray that after I get baptized next weekend god will show me they way he would like me to walk so I can follow him 100%


Please pray for my son Robert specifically asking for God to watch over him, to prepare him for his Drivers license test this week, for overall protection, for guidance in all decisions and resources.


Please pray for my mom. She’s been taking care of my dad who has Covid and now she’s starting to not feel good. She has an auto immune disease so she cannot fight illness normally. Please pray for God to cover her and protect her from getting Covid.


Please pray for my friend Jen’s mom. She fell and has a brain bleed. She has not woken up for almost 4 weeks. Praying she wakes up.


prayer for my daughter and son who will be starting in a new school and new district this school year. May God give them peace only He can give and remove all anxiety and doubt.


Please pray for a job offer. After six interviews with the same company, I'm hopeful that this effort will soon result in a promising opportunity. I have been unemployed for almost four months.


Please pray for my husband Robby. His back needs healing. He is in debilitating pain. Thank you.


please pray for my Health I have alot of problems with it. thank you


Please pray that my husband's prescription insurance is approved and that he will be able to get the medication he needs.


Please pray for my son. He is nearly 13 and hormones are giving him a really difficult time. He needs God to calm him and help him manage his feelings. School starts on Monday and I pray his teachers will see him the way God sees him. Thank you.