Marriage Course | Fall 2024 | Casa Grande

Casa Grande Campus

The Marriage Course is built on universal principles that apply to anyone, anywhere. In years to come, you’ll look back on having built a marriage as perhaps the most important achievement of all in your lives.


Weekly: Tuesdays at 6:00 AM

Please complete the form below to register for Marriage Course | Fall 2024 | Casa Grande.

Marriage involves two people. They meet, they fall in love, they get married, and embark on a relationship that’s designed to be one of increasing intimacy. But that’s not automatic. We have to keep working at our marriage.

If you start building good habits in your relationship right now, you’ll be reaping the effects of those choices in five, ten, or twenty years’ time.

The aim of the Marriage Course is to strengthen that connection between you as a couple.

This is not a silly sentimental idea; this is a scientific fact. Love grows us.

The Marriage Course is built on universal principles that apply to anyone, anywhere. In years to come, you’ll look back on having built a marriage as perhaps the most important achievement of all in your lives.

Sign up today

This is a series of 7 sessions designed to help couples invest in their relationship and build a strong marriage.

Location: Casa Grande Campus
2016 N. Pinal Ave Suite 6 
Dates: Tuesdays starting September 24th  - November 12th

Time: 6:00 PM - 8 PM

The cost for the Marriage Course is $60 per couple ($30 per person)

Childcare is available for infants through 4th grade for a fee of:
$12 per week for 1 child ($84 total)
with an additional $5 per week for each additional child.

How many people will you be registering?