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Holiday Projects to Do With Your Kids

Relationships | Attie Murphy | 5 mins

For parents, the holidays are an opportunity for bonding....and chaos. While you're preparing for in-laws and hiding presents, your kids need something to keep them focused, especially if they're on break from school. Holiday projects can give your kids something productive to work on and encourage quality time as you get creative together. The below ideas will foster motivation and don’t require any fancy materials.

Thanksgiving Gratitude Board 

No matter our age, we often forget the little things that matter until we visualize them. Making a creative illustration will encourage your kid to think about what brings joy to their life. Here's what you'll need to supply for a gratitude board (You can get most of this at the dollar store): 

Poster board (whatever size you prefer) 
Colorful markers 
Colorful paper 
Bonus: Printed photos from the year 


Have your child pick categories (Ex. months of the year or areas of life, such as school, family, and hobbies). Draw boundaries on the board for each section. 

Next, cut different colors of paper into backgrounds for each category, and those will be the canvases for your child's artistic endeavors. 

Ask your child to take a few minutes and think about what they're thankful for in that area of their life. They can write, draw, and cut out pictures or shapes. Once the board is complete, you can hang it up somewhere your child will see it every day. 

Christmas Giving Tree

Here's a way to offer fun and inspire a heart for giving. Start by helping your child brainstorm ideas for what they can give based on their age range. A few suggestions are: 

Write letters to children in foster care or in a children's hospital. 
Offer an hour of help (house cleaning, miscellaneous assistance) to family members or friends. 
Set a budget from allowance and create gift baskets for a homeless shelter or charity. 

Have your child write down a deadline (Ex. Christmas Day) and a goal for how they'll give. Next, help your child find a special tree ornament design and encourage them to make an ornament for every person they serve. On Christmas, they can look at their ornaments and be reminded of the people they impacted and practice love by praying for them. If they give to an organization rather than a specific person, they can set their heart on people facing the struggles the organization works to alleviate.

New Year Resolution Book 

This one is pretty straightforward. If you want to make it more exciting, invite your child on a shopping adventure to pick out a new journal to use for their resolutions. If your child is too young to write comprehensively, they can use a sketch or drawing book instead. 

The most important part of this project is helping your child understand meaningful resolutions. It's not about writing a bucket list; it's about habits that will make the next year different than the last. The project will work even better if you start a journal for yourself, so you can set an example for your child as you go forward together. You can organize your "resolution books" however works best for you, but here's a basic plan: 

Use 1-2 pages at the beginning of the book to summarize goals and reasons why those goals matter. If your child does the drawing version, ask them a couple of intentional questions to help them remember what they're expressing. Tip: For successful resolutions, it's better to focus on mindset than numerical milestones. Consistency will come through journaling about the goals on a daily basis. 

No matter what projects you do with your kid(s), the most important part is what they learn about God's purpose for them. There are many ways you can lead them toward Jesus, and that includes having fun. The more you engage your family in the fruits of the Spirit, the more every season will bring renewal, growth, and deeper relationships. 

Bonus: Check out our Christmas activity kit

Written By

Attie Murphy

An avid writer since the age of 5, who loves to explore new ideas and places. Inspired by Jesus, books, and travel.

Published on Nov 23, 2022